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    28 August 2005, Volume 13 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    A Further Study of Cost Function under Cobb-Douglas Production Function
    TANG Xiao-wo, MU Yin-ping, MA Yong-kai
    2005, (4):  1-6. 
    Abstract ( 2866 )   PDF (2196KB) ( 5800 )   Save
    This paper analyzes the character of the long-run cost function with Cobb-Douglas production function.We explain the economical meaning of all kinds of parameters,and analyze the extremum condition of the long-run cost function under constant factor production elasticity and factor price.It is concluded that if the firm inputs the factor in equal quantity,then the long-run cost will be maximized.The paper points out that the firm must avoid the equal quantity of the factors inputting.
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    A Study of Portfolio VaR Method Based on g-h Distribution
    ZHU Hai-xia, PAN Zhi-bin
    2005, (4):  7-12. 
    Abstract ( 2108 )   PDF (1771KB) ( 2124 )   Save
    According to the statistical properties of g-h distribution,three g-h VaR methods are presented in this paper based on the return,loss or extreme loss of the portfolio.These methods compound the merits of History Simulation method,Analytical method and the Extreme Theory method.Research on stock market shows that these g-h VaR methods gain an advantage over Delta-normal method.
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    Multi-Period Financial Asset Allocation Models Based on VaR
    JIN Xiu, HUANG Xiao-yuan, MA Li-li
    2005, (4):  13-16. 
    Abstract ( 2022 )   PDF (1252KB) ( 2638 )   Save
    In this paper,we develop multi-period asset allocation models based on VaR.Based on our country economic environment we simulate the models under the uncertainty about future asset returns,wage inflation and price inflation.We make a conclusion that the dynamic models are better than the static models by comparison of their optimum.Multi-period asset allocation models based on VaR have fewer expected losses and less risk than static models with the same of expected wealth.
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    Are Stock Markets of China Weak-Form Efficient?——A Research from Data Mining
    LAN Qiu-jun, MA Chao-qun, GAN Guo-jun, WU Jian-hong
    2005, (4):  17-23. 
    Abstract ( 2502 )   PDF (2256KB) ( 2297 )   Save
    Most test methods on stock market efficiency are based on some statistical models from a whole viewpoint and can’t discover some predictive local patterns.Thus,the conclusion of"market is efficient"may be trustless.This paper applies a new time series data mining method——TSEOPM to detect local omen patterns,and verifies weak-form efficiency of China stock markets.The result indicates local patterns mined by TSEOPM can bring excess returns."Stock markets of China are not weak-form efficient"is concluded.
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    The Research on the Economy of Scale of Chinese Commercial Banks Based on Parametric Approach
    SUN Xiu-feng, CHI Guo-tai, YANG De
    2005, (4):  24-32. 
    Abstract ( 2282 )   PDF (2366KB) ( 2278 )   Save
    Based on parametric approach in the framework of an average translog cost function,this paper estimated the scale economies of China’s commercial banks with ISUR approach,compared the results of average cost function with that of frontier cost function estimated with stochastic frontier approach,validated the judgment that the veracity of results of estimating banks’scale economies with average cost function is better than that of frontier cost function and made sure the principle of selecting function type for estimating the commercial banks’ scale economies.It combines the idea of the intermediation approach and the assets approach,and selects the deposits, loans, investments and securities as the production index,so it solves the problems whereas intermediation approach can not reflect the multi-product operating condition and the assets approach can not reflect the deposits condition of Chinese banks.Based on the cost function and input-output indexes system this paper estimated the scale economies of 4 State-owned commercial banks and 10 joint-stock commercial banks of China over the period from 1998 to 2003 with the real banks’ financial data and displayed the conditions and trends of these two kinds banks’ scale economies.The results of empirical analysis shows that Chinese commercial benefit in works for improving their scale economies condition,that all of banks have been scale economies since 2001,the average levels of scale economies of joint-stock commercial banks is better than that of State-owned commercial banks,the scale economies condition of State-owned commercial banks displays increased development trend and that of joint-stock commercial banks always was right but shows some small wave after 2002 which is still better than State-owned commercial banks.
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    The Dynamic Revenue Management Inventory Control Model with Demand Updating
    LUO Li, WANG Nian-xing
    2005, (4):  33-39. 
    Abstract ( 2217 )   PDF (2321KB) ( 2499 )   Save
    Based upon analysis of the deficiency of EMSR(Expected Marginal Seat Revenue)model,the milestone of airline revenue management,the paper puts forward a new dynamic revenue management inventory control model,which is more general and more sensitive to the market.The paper,at the first place,combines the prior distributions of demand with the latest marketing information acquired in the selling process,then renews the distributions of demand with Bayesian model which obeying bivariate normal distribution,and takes into consideration such factors as the newest demand forecast,No-Show and order canceling,to draw out a fresh demand restriction,which then is compared with the total seats to achieve the final model.
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    A Multi-Objective Optimal Model on Logistics Network Programming
    SHI Qin, CHEN Chao-yang, QIN Yun-mei
    2005, (4):  40-43. 
    Abstract ( 2136 )   PDF (1217KB) ( 2724 )   Save
    This work is an attempt to introduce the multi-objective optimal model into the logistics multi-objective network programming.Based on the capacity of warehouse in logistics multi-objective network programming,a mathematical model with double objective is established.The methods of transforming multi-objective into single-objective model are presented and the method of solving the problem to obtain the non-dominated solutions is developed.At the end of this paper an example is given.
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    An Algorithm for Delays Problems in Single Resource Scheduling with Compressible Processing Time
    PENG Min, YANG Li, XU Bao-guang
    2005, (4):  44-50. 
    Abstract ( 1968 )   PDF (1810KB) ( 1534 )   Save
    In this paper,we consider the delays problems in single resource scheduling with compressible processing time.A heuristic algorithm is provided on the basis of reverse critical path and a set of tasks needing compression is picked up,when a delay task occurs in the process of scheduling tasks,with the objective of minimum length of delay time,and minimum number of compressed tasks.At the end,the validity of the heuristic is proved and an experimental result is showed.
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    Study on Dispatching Planning for Purchase of Bulky Cargo
    GONG Jun-tao, SUN Lin-yan, SUN Chuan-jiao
    2005, (4):  51-55. 
    Abstract ( 2327 )   PDF (1836KB) ( 1937 )   Save
    Bulky cargo dispatching problem is complex which is affected by many factors.Generally speaking,large quantity,long distance and limited time are attached to bulky cargo dispatching problem.How to coordinate supply,demand and transportation capacity and assure the benefit of purchase department is the main problem studied by the paper.First,the paper puts forward the dispatching mode.Then dispatching planning model is established according to the rules that include achieving quantity discount,just-in-time purchase,decreasing inventory and coordinating transport capacity.The solution shows that using the model one can achieve the aim of decreasing purchase cost and coordinating transport capacity.
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    An Analysis on the Benefits of Joint Procurement in E-Commerce Environment
    WANG Xuan, ZHONG Wei-jun, MEI Shu-e
    2005, (4):  56-62. 
    Abstract ( 2067 )   PDF (1554KB) ( 1805 )   Save
    Joint procurement has become an important application model along with the rapid development of collaborative B-to-B electronic commerce.The success of such model requires the active participation of all the supply chain members,including the sellers and buyers.In this paper,we deliberately analyze the benefits of joint procurement employed by two buyers and compare all members’ participating motivation and corresponding total purchasing cost with the sellers’ two different wholesale pricing policies.We conclude regularly that the buyers have the motivation to purchase jointly as long as coordination cost is low enough,and there exists a critical coordination cost threshold for joint procurement without respect to the seller’s wholesale pricing policies,consisting of fixed wholesale pricing policy and quantity discounts policy.When the coordination cost is imposed less than that critical threshold,buyers’ joint procurement will simultaneously spare the annual purchasing cost for the sellers and buyers.On the other hand,either supply chain members will take negative cost margin definitely.
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    Research on Decision-Making Method Based on Gray Correlation Degree and TOPSIS
    SUN Xiao-dong, JIAO Yue, HU Jin-song
    2005, (4):  63-68. 
    Abstract ( 2197 )   PDF (2348KB) ( 2421 )   Save
    In this paper,we analyzed the disadvantage of traditional TOPSIS, and presented a new decision-making method based on grey correlation degree and TOPSIS.This method established a new kind of relative similarity degree by combining the Euclidean distance with grey correlation degree.The new similarity degree reflects the distance and the different shape among a selected scheme, the ideal solution and negative ideal solution.Its implication is clearer.At the end,this method is explained by an example.
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    Study on the Integrated Grey Clustering Method under the Clustering Coefficient with Non-Distinguished Difference
    DANG Yao-guo, LIU Si-feng, LIU Bin, ZHAI Zhen-jie
    2005, (4):  69-73. 
    Abstract ( 2331 )   PDF (2229KB) ( 2085 )   Save
    Through analyzing in depth the present grey cluster model,we think they can be used to exact cluster with respect to cluster objectives when there are not distinguished differences between grey cluster coefficients,which often come forth in practical economic phenomena.Based on the present theories on grey cluster,a new grey cluster evaluation method is developed.Idiographic processes are the following:First,compute cluster coefficients of every cluster objectives and transform then into non-dimensional sequences;Second,compute the integrated cluster coefficients of every cluster objective based on the action of every cluster coefficient in the cluster process;Third,determine grey class of every cluster objective based on the integrated cluster coefficients.Furthermore,we prove that the result of our model and present model are equivalent when the distinguished difference coefficients are larger than 1-2/S.Last,we illustrate the integrated cluster method with the selecting dominant industries of Jiangsu’s second industry.
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    Synthesizing Judgment Information of Experts by Fuzzy Programming Method
    WANG Guo-hua, LIANG Liang, XIONG Li
    2005, (4):  74-77. 
    Abstract ( 2170 )   PDF (883KB) ( 1517 )   Save
    This paper proposes a new method of synthesizing judgment information provided by multiple decision makers.The assessment of the group priorities is formulated as a fuzzy linear programming problem,maximizing the group’s overall satisfaction to get the group solution. The method can easily deal with missing judgments and different partiality intensity by decision makers. At the end,the method is explained by an example.
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    A Study on the Dynamic Incentive Model of Chinese Managers Based on Reputation Theory
    LIU Hui-ping, ZHANG Shi-ying
    2005, (4):  78-86. 
    Abstract ( 2006 )   PDF (2395KB) ( 2466 )   Save
    Based on reputation theory,a model of optimal dynamic incentive contract,which combines reputation mechanism with explicit incentive mechanism for managers,is established.Conditions of achieving effective reputation incentive and ways to enhancing incentive effect are pointed out.Furthermore,this model is compared with a model of explicit incentive contract without reputation mechanism and its rationality is validated by an example.Last,suggestions about how to bring reputation mechanism into play for motivating managers of China are made.
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    Manager’s Risk-Sharing and Incentive Design in Termination Menace
    HUANG Jian-bai, ZHONG Mei-rui
    2005, (4):  87-94. 
    Abstract ( 2167 )   PDF (2462KB) ( 1700 )   Save
    This paper analyzes the problem of manager’s risk-sharing and incentive design in termination menace.This research expands linear agent-principal incentive model through substituting measurable human capital for ability’s factor in enterprise productive linear function.At the same time this paper figures out recessive function of sharing coefficient in sharing contract through transplanting termination probability in agent-principal participation constrains and incentive compatibility conditions.We draw the relationship among effort,human capital variable,sharing coefficient and termination cost,and explain substitution between explicit incentive and implicit incentive,on basis of which we put forth policy suggestion of substitution market recessive incentive for control recessive incentive and perfecting relevant institution circumstance for improving the efficientcy of incentive contract.
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    Study on Investment in Technology Innovation of Asymmetric Duopoly
    YANG Yong, DA Qing-li
    2005, (4):  95-99. 
    Abstract ( 2035 )   PDF (1437KB) ( 1905 )   Save
    Most of option game literatures on investment decision in technology innovation ignore asymmetric investment cost and operation cost among firms. Investment decision making in technology innovation of asymmetric cost duopoly is studied in this paper.Firstly,value function and investment threshold are derived.Then three equilibriums such as preemptive,sequential and simultaneous equilibrium are discussed,and the results indicate that when the asymmetry among firms is relatively small and so is the first-mover advantage,the firms invest jointly;when the first-mover advantage is significant,the lower-cost firm preempts the higher-cost firm to be a leader;in the situation where the asymmetry among firms becomes sufficiently large,the firms exercise their investment options sequentially.Finally,numerical techniques are employed to calculate the optimal investment thresholds of duopoly and the findings are consistent with the theoretic results.
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    Analysis of Supply Chain Coordination Mechanism in Online-Reserve-Auctioning a Contract with Option and Side Payment
    XU Jing-yi, YANG De-li, GUO Qiong
    2005, (4):  100-105. 
    Abstract ( 2117 )   PDF (1385KB) ( 2261 )   Save
    On the basis of newsvendor model and information revelation theorem,the manufacturer,retailer and e-intermediary profit models have been set up in online-reverse-auctioning a contract with options and side payment.Model optimization gives the optimum option order quantities under two e-commission systems.By comparing the optimum option order quantity with the optimal production capacity,the characteristics of supply chain coordination under different contract types and e-commission system is analyzed.The conclusion is drawn up as follows:on auction of the contract with options and side payment where product has a single-period stochastic demand,the system will not be coordinated if the manufacturer gives the side payment.If the retailer gives the side payment,system coordination is related to e-commission system.That the winning manufacturer pays the e-commission is beneficial to system coordination and profit allocation.
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    A Note on Improving the Efficient Frontier
    LI Jing-yuan
    2005, (4):  106-110. 
    Abstract ( 1975 )   PDF (2156KB) ( 1462 )   Save
    This note has extended the idea in Kwan’s paper.That is,by pooling the capital of individual investors for investing in a specific efficient portfolio,each investor can achieve a higher expected return and a lower exposure of risk.Moreover,the portfolio manager can make positive expected profit by pooling.
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    Analysis and Simulation of Internet Pricing Based on the Information of Customer Consumption
    CHEN Bo, ZHOU Ya-ping, HUA Zhong-sheng
    2005, (4):  111-114. 
    Abstract ( 2149 )   PDF (604KB) ( 1742 )   Save
    This paper studies the influence of two different Internet pricing schemes on the internet consumption by the means of simulation.In the Internet supply market,we establish a Bertrand duopoly game model:one Internet Service Provider(ISP)with flat-rate pricing scheme for its service and the other ISP with two-part pricing scheme-fixed access fee plus usage fee.Based on the survey data of SSIC,we create the Internet expenditure and consumption time of each consumer using random number generation method,simulate the consumption choices under different pricing schemes,and then analyze the effect of pricing strategies on the revenue of ISP,the consumers’ consumption behavior and the total social welfare.
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    The War of Attrition and Its Model Research in Business Enterprise Competition
    ZHUANG Ya-ming, QIN Xia
    2005, (4):  115-119. 
    Abstract ( 2201 )   PDF (1740KB) ( 2051 )   Save
    The war of attrition in business enterprise competition was anyplace.How to choose the right attrition strategy is directly related to the business enterprise alive or dead.In this paper,the game method was applied.The attrition mathematics models were established.Long-lost time model and its balanced,long-lost time model being transfersed to continuous times model,complete information model and its balanced,incompletely balanced and its balanced were analyzed by system analysis.
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    Chinese Commercial Bank’s X-Efficiency Based on the "DEA" Method
    XIE Chao-hua, DUAN Jun-shan
    2005, (4):  120-128. 
    Abstract ( 2093 )   PDF (2347KB) ( 3752 )   Save
    X-efficientcy analysis is the front line and mainstream method which has been applied in the commercial bank efficiency research.This paper uses DEA method to evaluate X-efficiency by analyzing its input and output data.Our analyzed object is 14 commercial banks with time interval limited in 2001-2003.Outcome reveals that the State-owned commercial bank is 72% in average,share-owned commercial bank is 75%,listed bank is 79.5% in average.Based on these facts,this article puts forward that from four aspects to seek feasible target structure,including property right,market,function and regulation,so cut down the costs to create effective conditions for improving the bank efficiency.
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    A Support Vector Machine Method for Sales Forecast of Farm Products
    DU Xiao-fang, ZHANG Jin-long
    2005, (4):  129-134. 
    Abstract ( 2364 )   PDF (1959KB) ( 2776 )   Save
    A dynamic forecasting system of demands for farm products in consuming market is studied by means of applying the intelligent forecast method SVM(Support Vector Machine).In order to achieve higher forecast precision of farm product sale quantities,such factors as weather,climate conditions and demands on holidays etc.,are introduced to the forecasting model,and the Fuzzy Theory is also applied to cope with the problem of fuzzification.Furthermore,an intelligent forecasting system is constructed,which is mainly based on SVM theory and combined with many other techniques.Using this system to dynamically forecast the demands for farm products,the practical application shows the precision of the forecasting method.
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    Two Regulatory Means for Inducing Technical Innovation of Enterprises
    YIN Hong, WANG Xian-jia
    2005, (4):  135-141. 
    Abstract ( 2008 )   PDF (2392KB) ( 2025 )   Save
    This paper studies two regulatory means for encouraging technical innovation of enterprises-price cap regulation and optimal regulatory mechanism.Firstly,we establish the two regulatory models and get the corresponding regulatory mechanisms to induce innovation of enterprises.Then the performances of the two regulatory means are compared,which include the internal incentive of the enterprise for innovation and the welfare loss associated with the increase of innovation expenses.Further,we analyze the change of relative advantages between the two regulatory means when the incentive for innovation of enterprises is introduced.
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    A Study on Instabilities of Strategic Alliance Based upon Cooperative Spillovers
    CAI Ji-rong, HU Pei
    2005, (4):  142-148. 
    Abstract ( 2233 )   PDF (1715KB) ( 1583 )   Save
    Instabilities of strategic alliances relate to sharing of proprietary core resources.A specialization theory model indicates that spillovers with the core resources sharing can break ex balance of competition,although it can bring economies of division to and enhance competion abilities of alliances members.Thus it brings the inherent tension between cooperation and competition in alliances,and also causes to alliances instabilities simultaneity.When information is symmetric,the cooperative conflict which causes instabilities to alliances can be described by a"prisoner’s dilemma",and when information is asymmetric,optimal spillover is a result of the contingent decision based on the anticipation for spillover levels of other member’s and the ex ante competitive ability ratio.Because of incentive incompatibility,when cooperation isn’t a believed commitment and when the prices in market undulate,alliances disintegrate.
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