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    20 March 2023, Volume 31 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Research on the Optimal Control Strategy for Pollution Reduction in Winter under the Constraints of Urban Air Quality Targets
    CHEN Xiao-hong, ZHOU Ming-hui, TANG Xiang-bo
    2023, 31 (3):  1-9.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0147
    Abstract ( 611 )   PDF (1598KB) ( 1095 )   Save
    An optimal control system for pollution reduction constrained by urban air quality compliance is proposed. Based on the air quality model (WRF-CMAQ), a “localized” air quality simulation platform is built, and an air quality compliance assessment model and emission reduction cost optimization model are constructed. The genetic algorithm is used to solve the optimal control strategy of pollution reduction of a city under the constraint of air quality target in winter. The results show that under the condition of keeping the ozone concentration unchanged, when the PM2.5 target concentration values are set as 55 μg/m3, 60 μg/m3, and 65 μg/m3, respectively, the corresponding optimal control scheme of pollution reduction can be obtained. The PM2.5 target concentration values are improved by 30.4%, 24.1%, and 17.8%, and the corresponding total emission reduction costs are 16.6×106, 6.36×106, and 1.46×106 yuan, respectively. The optimal control system for urban pollution reduction and its model solving method constructed in this paper can not only provide effective scientific and technological support for the formulation of the urban heavy pollution weather response plan in winter, but also provide theoretical guidance and decision-making method for the development of “one city, one policy” urban air quality compliance strategic planning.
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    Multi-center Pickup and Delivery Network Alliance Optimization Considering Default Penalties and Loss Compensations for Breach of Contract
    WANG Yong, LUO Si-yu, ZHEN Lu, XU Mao-zeng
    2023, 31 (3):  10-25.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0361
    Abstract ( 377 )   PDF (6698KB) ( 625 )   Save
    The significant increase of diversified logistics demands and the shortage of logistics resources call for the multi-center pickup and delivery network optimization in terms of resource coordination. In order to improve the utilization of resources in a multi-center distribution network, multiple logistics enterprises realize resource re-coordination and optimization via alliances. However, in practice, there can be a critical default situation that alliance members withdraw from collaboration due to strategy changes. Designing a reasonably compensation mechanism can guarantee the stability of an alliance and maintain long-term partnerships. To overcome the deficiencies of developing network alliances and designing the mechanisms for default penalties and loss compensations in the multi-center pickup and delivery network optimization study, an alliance optimization strategy for the multi-center pickup and delivery network is proposed considering both default penalties and loss compensations in collaboration. First, the minimum costs remaining saving method based on the importance of non-default members is proposed to study the deserved profits of the non-default members, and then two models are proposed to quantify the deserved loss compensations for non-default members and the default penalties of their counterparts, respectively. Second, considering the contract default resulting in changing customer service relationships, a multi-objective programming model is formulated to minimize the total operating cost, number of vehicles, and service waiting time within the network. Third, a hybrid heuristic algorithm integrating the K-means multi-dimensional clustering algorithm and the Clarke-Wright saving method-based non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-Ⅲ (CW-NSGA-Ⅲ) is then proposed to solve the model. The Clarke-Wright saving algorithm is applied to improve the quality of the initial population, and the elite retention strategy is used to enhance search performance. The search path deviation penalty-based boundary intersection approach is introduced to improve the selection mechanism of non-dominated solutions and enhance the diversity and convergence of non-dominated solution sets. In addition, the proposed hybrid algorithm is compared and validated with the multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA), the multi-objective harmony search algorithm (MOHSA), and the multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO), respectively. Finally, the proposed model and algorithm are illustrated and demonstrated via a case study, and the optimization results of the multi-center pickup and delivery network under different default situations and withdrawal modes of customers are compared and analyzed. Results show that the proposed approach can quantify the default cost of default members, guarantee the deserved profits of non-default ones, and optimize the multi-center pickup and delivery network when contract default occurs, thus enriching the collaboration mechanism for alliance members. Furthermore, this study provides a reliable theoretical basis and decision support for the sustainable development of urban multi-center logistics networks.
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    An Item Allocation Method for “Manual-Robotic” Dual Picking Systems Based on Association Networks
    DING Tian-rong, ZHANG Yuan-kai, WANG Yu-ying, HU Xiang-pei
    2023, 31 (3):  26-37.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0381
    Abstract ( 456 )   PDF (5914KB) ( 647 )   Save
    By combining the advantages of “parts-to-picker” in a robotic mobile fulfillment system and “picker-to-cparts” in a traditional manual picking system, the “Manual-Robotic” dual picking system provides an unprecedented opportunity to solve the multi-item order picking problem faced by large online supermarkets. However, multi-item orders may be split into multiple suborders for two separate areas, which will greatly increase order picking costs. To overcome this issue, one can reduce the number of split orders by making better allocation decisions for SKUs (stock keeping units) stored in two areas, which represent manual and robotic areas respectively. It aims to solve the challenging SKU allocation problem in these two picking areas.
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    Research on Order Reallocation Optimization of Pharmaceutical E-commerce Considering Dynamic Update of Information and Minimizing Order Splitting Rate
    LI Jian-bin, WANG Ying-ying, LI Ming-kang, ZHENG Yu-ting
    2023, 31 (3):  38-47.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0379
    Abstract ( 418 )   PDF (1202KB) ( 729 )   Save
    With the popularity of “Internet+healthcare”, small medical institutions cooperate with pharmaceutical e-commerce to purchase medicines in small batches frequently to reduce their own inventory costs. In order to ensure the timeliness of medicine delivery, order splitting can easily happen in pharmaceutical e-commerce, which not only increases the distribution cost of logistics of e-commerce enterprises, but also reduces customer satisfaction. In order to improve the logistics efficiency of pharmaceutical e-commerce and meet the demand of instant medicine delivery, a dynamic order distribution model of pharmaceutical e-commerce is established, which not only considered the dynamic update of inventory information, but also considered the optimization strategy of order information update and reallocation. The dynamic update of inventory information (DIIO) algorithm isdesigned and dual optimization of information update (DIDO) algorithm is designed to divide the dynamic problem in the planning cycle into multiple static sub-problems. First, the greedy algorithm is used to generate the initial solution, and then the integer programming model is used to get the optimal solution. In the process of constructing the initial solution, through order classification, the SKU demand of a single order is converted into inventory, which greatly improves the optimization space of multi-order allocation. Secondly, by recursively traversing the optimal allocation results of multiple orders, an accurate solution is obtained with high efficiency. Based on the analysis of the data of a pharmaceutical e-commerce B2B platform, the DIIO algorithm reduces the order splitting rate of pharmaceutical e-commerce by 29.45%, while the latter reduces the number of warehouse shipments by 50.41% through order reallocation, saving about 1.1541 million yuan in monthly distribution cost. In addition, through the sensitivity analysis of parameters such as the per capita order frequency and the number of SKUs in the order, both algorithms have good robustness. It not only alleviates the inventory pressure of small medical institutions, but also improves the logistics efficiency of pharmaceutical e-commerce, so as to achieve the goal of win-win.
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    Research on Routing Problem for Joint Delivery System Based on Multiple Trucks and Robots
    GAO Jia-jing, ZHEN Lu
    2023, 31 (3):  48-57.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0367
    Abstract ( 524 )   PDF (1870KB) ( 979 )   Save
    The business model of unmanned delivery has received attention, and unmanned delivery has provided a new direction for logistics distribution. As a new mode of unmanned delivery, the joint delivery mode of trucks and robots raises some scheduling problems in its application, such as complex path planning and strict time connection requirements of trucks and robots. The traditional scheduling mode is difficult to support the operation of the system. In the joint delivery system based on multiple trucks and robots, trucks serve as mobile depots for delivery robots and goods. Trucks do not serve customers, but all customers are served by delivery robots. To study the routing problem for joint delivery system based on multiple trucks and robots, a mixed integer programming (MIP) model with the objective of minimizing total cost including the traveling cost of truck, robot, and the cost of late delivery penalty is established. The MIP model makes the complex problem mathematical, considers customer time window, truck capacity and other factors, and studies the distribution decisions among different truck groups, the robot task allocation decisions, and the distribution path planning decisions of trucks and delivery robots in the joint delivery system based on multiple trucks and robots. A variable neighborhood search (VNS) algorithm is designed to solve the model, which provides an effective tool for solving practical problems. And the effectiveness of the model and algorithm is verified by numerical experiments. The experiment results show that the difference between the results of VNS algorithm and the optimal solution is 0.98% in small-scale experiments, and the calculation time is significantly shortened. In the case of large scale, the algorithm can optimize the rules up to 30.99%. Finally, through sensitivity analysis experiments, a scientific reference is provided for logistics companies to make macro-planning decisions such as the quantity allocation of trucks and the location of trucks.
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    The Division of O2O Takeaway Business Zone and Discovery of Customer Demand Distribution Law
    LUO Jian, TANG Jia-fu, YU Qing-ya, WU Zhi-qiao
    2023, 31 (3):  58-68.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0385
    Abstract ( 482 )   PDF (3530KB) ( 792 )   Save
    Facing high-frequency and massive customer orders in O2O takeaway platform, how to divide O2O takeaway business zone and analyze the spatial distribution law of customer demand is of great value for optimizing the allocation of rider resources and improving the distribution efficiency. Based on a large amount of historical data in O2O takeaway platform, including the information of orders, merchants and customers. Firstly, the distribution area of takeaway orders is divided into network cells, and the statistical data in the grid represent the characteristics of orders in this network cell; A new soft quadratic surface support vector regression machine is introduced to characterize the relationship between the average price of orders (i.e. customer demands) and order location, the average price of discounts, the average price of additional costs, and then determine the optimal grid size. From the perspective of customers, based on the grid model and the density of O2O takeaway orders, the O2O takeaway business zone is divided by using the grid density clustering method. From the computational results, compared with the business zone division adopted by current O2O takeaway platforms, the average distance of takeaway delivery is decreased by 8.97%, the Davies-Bouldin Index is decreased by 73.61%, and the number of business zones is decreased by 56.10%. The newly-divided O2O takeaway business zones make the riders distribute within the designated business zone as much as possible, and reduces the cost of resource allocation in the business zones. The proposed division also verifies that the customer demand density is much more helpful than the information of traditional administrative regions and merchant locations in dividing the O2O business zone. Finally, based on the newly-divided O2O takeaway business zones and correlation coefficients, some spatial distribution laws of O2O takeaway customer demands are discovered, including the distribution law of different types of merchants and orders and the cost preference of customers, so as to provide some guiding managerial insights for the siting and pricing of different types of O2O takeaway merchants. For instance, managers may get more customer demands by locating the stores near campus or commercial buildings. The non-key merchants should try to locate in areas with high demands. If they can only be located in areas with low demands, areas with dense merchants should be avoided. When the key merchants open additional branches of stores, areas with low demands should be selected. Merchants should appropriately increase the box price and reduce the delivery price as much as possible, which can promote consumer consumption. However, residents in some first-tier cities are not sensitive to the price of takeaway. Merchants may not make more profits by adopting the strategy of small profits but quick turnover, they need to pay more attention to the timeliness and quality of takeaway services.
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    Research on Quality Prediction Based on Gaussian Process Model with Selective Ensemble Kernel
    OUYANG Lin-han, TAO Bao-ping, MA Yan
    2023, 31 (3):  69-80.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0261
    Abstract ( 340 )   PDF (1463KB) ( 626 )   Save
    Due to the new round of industrial revolution,digital technology has further promoted the combination of quality management tools with mathematical modeling and simulation techniques. Quality prediction with data-driven methods has become an important trend in the modern manufacturing industry. Among them, building a quality model with high accuracy and good robustness plays a vital role in implementing quality prediction. As one of the popular quality models, the Gaussian process model is widely used due to its superior performance in practical applications. However, due to the uncertainty in selecting the type of kernel functions, the hyper-parameter estimation in the likelihood function may be not obtained precisely, which leads to unreliable quality prediction results. To deal with this issue, a model construction strategy based on a selective ensemble kernel learning algorithm is proposed in the framework of Gaussian process models. First, the Bootstrap method is used to repeatedly extract the training samples, and each training sample is used to obtain the approximate values of hyper-parameters under different kernel functions. Then, a multi-dimensional Gaussian process model can be constructed based on the above information. Second, the predictive performance of the Gaussian process model under different kernel scenarios is analyzed, and then the kernel functions can be determined by the quality tool Pareto plot. Meanwhile, the ensemble parameters are incorporated into the construction of an improved likelihood function. The hyper-parameters of the ensemble kernel Gaussian process model can be obtained by maximizing the improved likelihood function. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by simulation tests and case studies. The comparison results show that the Gaussian process model based on the selective ensemble kernel not only provides a feasible method for the determination of kernel functions, but also improves the accuracy and precision of the quality prediction. Then the proposed model can be used for the following quality optimization or Bayesian optimization.
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    The Impact of Major Public Health Emergency and Its Prevention and Control Policy on Labor Productivity of Internet Gig Economy Platform: A Case Study of Food Deliveryman
    LIU Zi-Long, LI Xiao-Han, TANG Jia-Fu
    2023, 31 (3):  81-91.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0334
    Abstract ( 398 )   PDF (1392KB) ( 643 )   Save
    The Covid-19 outbreak continues on a large scale around the world, bringing unprecedented impact to people's work and life. In order to reduce the direct contact caused by door-to-door delivery and prevent the spread of the epidemic, on February 6, 2020, the Ministry of Commerce and the National Health Commission jointly issued a contactless delivery prevention policy for the catering industry. On the one hand, food deliveryman need to stably output their labor productivity to relieve their own survival pressure; on the other hand, they also need to strictly abide by the prevention and control policy to avoid the spread of the virus during the delivery process. Based on the data from the Ele.me platform and the epidemic data released by the National Health Commission, the impact of the severity of the Covid-19 on the labor productivity of delivery man (delivery performance, capacity utilization, and delivery quality) of food deliveryman is studied; in addition, whether the contactless delivery policy will mitigate the impact of on the labor productivity of the delivery man, and the dynamics of this impact are examined. After that, the moderating effect of workday and experience of delivery man are explored, and some robustness tests are done to increase the reliability of the results. The result show that: First, the severity of the Covid-19 significantly negatively affect delivery performance and capacity utilization, but not significantly affect the quality of delivery; in addition, it is found that the contactless delivery policy will aggravate the impact of the Covid-19 on delivery performance, and as the epidemic is gradually under control, this negative impact become greater. However, the moderate effect of the contactless delivery policy on the relationship between the severity of the Covid-19 and capacity utilization of delivery man varies in different period. Specifically, when the epidemic is serious, the policy alleviate the negative impact of Covid-19 on capacity utilization, but when the epidemic is gradually under control, the policy aggravate the impact, as epidemic enter a stable period, the moderate effect of the policy is no longer significant. Finally, in hoc-analysis, it is found that the workday aggravates the impact of the Covid-19 on delivery performance, and rich experience of delivery man alleviates the impact of the Covid-19 on capacity utilization. By discussing on-demand delivery issues in the context of Covid-19, the lack of research on on-demand services under major public health emergencies is made up for, and suggestions for on-demand delivery platforms and relevant policy makers on coping strategies are provided.
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    Decision Making Approaches of Online English Auction Based on Focus Point
    LI Yong-gang, WANG Rui-min, AN Lin-lin, SHI Xin-ru, HU Xiang-pei
    2023, 31 (3):  92-101.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0411
    Abstract ( 281 )   PDF (1047KB) ( 465 )   Save
    An online English auction process is studied with permanent buyout option. Online auction breaks the limitation of time and space of traditional auctions. The buyout option allows a bidder to obtain the auction item immediately by accepting the buyout price, which overcomes the problem of high time cost and makes it widely used in e-commerce platform. Decision-making approaches of online English auction are proposed based on focus point, which emphasize the fact that it is the highest biding price that determines whether the bidder can win the auction. The focus is selected by comprehensively considering the relative possibility of obtaining the auction item and the income. Participants make decisions according to the selected focus point, and different types of focus point are used to directly reflect participants’ decision preferences. Two types of focus point are considered. The active focus point is a state with higher relative possibility degree and higher satisfaction level. It is selected by an optimistic participant. The passive focus point is a state with higher relative possibility degree and lower satisfaction level. It is selected by a pessimistic participant. The optimal strategies of bidders with different risk preferences and the range of the seller’s buyout price under the English auction are given. This approach based on the focus point can explain the jump bidding strategies in an auction process. Setting an appropriate buyout price provides a way to avoid the problem such as “winner’s curse” and bidders’ offers are usually concentrated at the end segment. The influence of the number of participants, valuation and other factors on the focus point is analyzed. It shows that the bidder with passive focus point is more honest and more likely to accept the buyout price than the bidder with active focus point. It provides decision support for online auction participants and management enlightenment for the platform by considering the bidding example of Yahoo.
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    Game Model of Blockchain Adoption and Product Pricing in Retail Supply Chain
    JI Qing-kai, ZHANG Feng-lin, FANG Gang, HU Xiang-pei
    2023, 31 (3):  102-112.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0315
    Abstract ( 614 )   PDF (1863KB) ( 1325 )   Save
    Recently, food contamination incidents have occurred frequently. To deal with food safety issues and enhance brand image, many large retail companies (e.g., Walmart) have deployed blockchain technology to improve the transparency of their supply chains., which can make the source traceable and the responsibility accountable. Since then, retailers have begun to encourage more suppliers to join their own blockchain platforms. However, when there is competition among suppliers, suppliers must not only weigh the advantages (brand image enhancement) and disadvantages (cost) of joining the blockchain platform, but also consider the multi-party game with competitors and retailers. Therefore, it is meaningful to study the participation incentive and preference of supply chain members for blockchain.
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    Optimization of Route Rescheduling Considering Realtime Orders in Demandresponsive Transit
    HE Xue-ting, ZHEN Lu
    2023, 31 (3):  113-123.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0336
    Abstract ( 402 )   PDF (3187KB) ( 530 )   Save
    To satisfy the existing demand for convenient and ontime travel, a new kind of public transportation service systemdemandresponsive bus system—is rapidly developing in China.In a demandresponsive transit system, regular travel routes are developed from longterm experience.Customers can reserve travel services in the system according to the information of regular travel routes.Meanwhile, some customers have realtime travel requirements.Under the premise of meeting the demand of scheduled orders, how the routine travel routes are rescheduled to better respond to the customers’ realtime orders is the key issue in this paper.
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    Research on Dynamic Planning of Visitor Itineraries based on Real-time Information
    LIU Xin-rui, LUO Xing-gang, JI Peng-li, Zhang Zhong-liang
    2023, 31 (3):  124-132.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0383
    Abstract ( 350 )   PDF (1946KB) ( 979 )   Save
    The problem of dynamic planning of visitor itineraries based on real-time information is fit for actual scenarios of service systems such as tourist itinerary planning of urban attractions, tourist itinerary planning of theme park attractions, and tourist route planning of museums. In this paper, the re-planning method is used to transform the problem into a number of static programming sub-problems in discrete time segments. The corresponding mixed integer linear programming model is established and the NP-hard property of the problem is proved. A branch-and-bound algorithm is proposed to solve the optimization model of a static sub-problem, and a variable neighborhood search algorithm is designed to solve the corresponding large-scale problem. The proposed mathematical model and algorithms are verified by numerical experiments and the parameter calibration of the algorithms and algorithm comparison analysis are carried out. The results of numerical experiments show that the computational performance of the proposed branch-and-bound algorithm and the variable neighborhood search algorithm are better than those of the existing literature. The proposed model and algorithms can be embedded in the management information systems, which have practical significance for improving the work efficiency of the service system, reducing the waiting time of customers, and optimizing the resource allocation of the service system.
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    The Impact of Emotional Load on Service Quality and Operational Efficiency of Online Political Inquiry Platform—Evidence from Textual Data
    SONG Jin-bo, ZHOU Yu-shan, HE Qiu-ying
    2023, 31 (3):  133-142.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0373
    Abstract ( 392 )   PDF (1147KB) ( 477 )   Save
    In recent years, the online political inquiry platform empowered by new information technology has developed rapidly and has become an important part of Chinese government social governance. However, empirical studies on the influencing factors and optimization of service quality and efficiency regarding the operation of online political inquiry platform are still lacking.
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    Evolutionary Game of Value Co-Destruction of the Ecosystem of Live Commerce Platform
    LIU Jian-gang, WU Qian, ZHANG Mei-juan
    2023, 31 (3):  143-154.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0951
    Abstract ( 531 )   PDF (3275KB) ( 884 )   Save
    As an emerging form of e-commerce, live commerce is developing rapidly. However, there is a common phenomenon of value co-destruction on live commerce platform, which is manifested in differences of objectives among the platform, anchor and buyer, as well as abuse of resources. In order to analyze the influence of the behavior strategies of each subject in the live commerce platform ecosystem on the risk of value co destruction, an evolutionary game model of “platform anchor buyer” value co-destruction is constructed. The payment matrix is established to analyze the interaction behavior and stable state. Numerical simulation is used to verify the correctness of the stable results, and the values of punishment, incentive and network externality income distribution coefficient are adjusted to study their impact on the evolution results. The results show that: the degree of punishment and incentive can affect the phenomenon of co-destruction of value. The greater the punishment degree is, the weaker the governance effect will be. When the incentive degree is too large, the platform and anchors will have behavior shock, and the probability of co-destruction of value will increase; the increase of revenue distribution coefficient plays a positive role in restraining the co-destruction of platform value. In the process of game, the strategic choice of live commerce platform plays a guiding role in the behavior of anchors and buyers. Therefore, live commerce platform needs to establish a responsibility mechanism to lead the governance of value co-destruction of all subjects.
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    Lifetime Decay Prediction of Fuel Cell Based on Attention Neural Network
    GAO Ming, LIU Chao, TANG Jia-fu, SUN Si-jing, ZOU Guang-yu
    2023, 31 (3):  155-166.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0401
    Abstract ( 692 )   PDF (3302KB) ( 905 )   Save
    As a green energy source, fuel cells are an important way to achieve a low-carbon economy. However, the safety, high cost and durability of the mainstream PEMFC (Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell) have restricted their commercialization, and effective lifetime prediction can improve reliability, maintainability and reduce the total cost of use, so the lifetime decay prediction of PEMFC has become an important issue of common concern for the fuel cell industry and academia. The effective lifetime prediction of PEMFC faces great challenges due to the complexity of their physicochemical processes, operating states, environmental conditions, and operating conditions. Model-driven prediction methods are constrained by the difficulty of accurately modeling the complex reaction mechanism inside the battery, as well as the subjectivity and one-sidedness of empirical rules, which make the simulation calculation large and the accuracy difficult to improve. The data-driven prediction methods, such as statistical analysis methods, require statistical modelling or stochastic processes related analysis involving parameter estimation and other aspects, which give more ideal assumptions and are prone to the risk of information loss. At the same time, traditional machine learning methods have different model fitting abilities and large model selection workload. In particular, it is difficult to take into account the complex nonlinear relationships between features and time steps in the multidimensional time series prediction, as well as the noise and bias existing in the original data at the same time, and the prediction accuracy is limited. In recent years, deep learning has become an effective method to solve highly nonlinear multidimensional time series prediction due to the powerful nonlinear fitting ability and flexible modeling by artificial neural networks. In contrast, RNN (Recurrent Neural Network), which are commonly used in existing research, mainly focus on short series learning, with insufficient global modeling and learning ability on long series to capture complex interactions between multidimensional vectors at different time steps. Although the Transformer has shown great advantages on large-scale natural language processing and computer vision tasks, it suffers from overfitting due to the limited sample size and behaves poorly in this study. Therefore, based on the characteristics and limitations of LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory neural network), 1D-CNN (1-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network), a novel composite deep neural network AACNN-LSTM (Attention After CNN-LSTM) is proposed for multidimensional time series prediction. The feature vectors (including average voltage, current density, hydrogen pressure, air pressure, and circulating water pressure, etc.) in multiple historical time points are constructed from a real PEMFC’s 3-month lifetime test dataset as multidimensional time series inputs. The method uses 1D-CNN for smoothing and filtering, and the LSTM layer for learning the temporal relationships among multidimensional vectors. Finally, the Attention module is introduced, which adaptively weights the multidimensional vectors at different time steps from a global perspective to decide which features play a key role in the prediction results. The model uses the output voltage of the PEMFC as the prediction result for lifetime evaluation. Verification experiments in different life stages, ablation study with multiple architecture variants, and comparison with different types of neural networks are conducted. The results show that the accuracy is significantly improved compared to other methods, and maintains a good computational efficiency. The generalizability and superiority of the model are also verified on the IEEE PHM 2014 fuel cell life prediction challenge dataset. In addition, the multi-step time series prediction of PEMFC lifetime is explored, and is able to achieve acceptable accuracy within a moderate prediction step (10 h) using historical information of 72 (h) steps, which has a certain practical value and encourages longer and more reliable multi-step prediction. The proposed CNN-LSTM combination verifies that CNN’s inductive bias learning can be complemented with LSTM’s sequence learning, which naturally achieves end-to-end combined learning of smoothing, filtering, and sequence learning and improves the final prediction accuracy. The complementarity and effective location of Attention around CNN, LSTM, and GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) is verified, and the necessity of composite deep neural networks in domain-specific problems is also corroborated. In addition, it is also found that the end-to-end multi-step time series prediction model is more accurate than the iterative multi-step prediction. The proposed method has significant technical value in the field of PEMFC lifetime prediction, e.g., for accelerated fuel cell aging tests, predictive maintenance, anomaly detection, and safety assurance. It is also useful for other type of energy batteries with similar data structure, such as lithium batteries.
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    Research on the Problem of Allocating Commodity Storage Locations in a Mobile-rack Storage System
    ZHAI Meng-yue, WANG Zheng, LI Yan-tong, HU Xiang-pei
    2023, 31 (3):  167-176.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0387
    Abstract ( 416 )   PDF (1381KB) ( 1006 )   Save
    The scattered storage characteristics of the mobile-rack storage system have brought new challenges to the allocation of commodity storage locations. To handle the problem, it is necessary to consider both the correlation of commodities and the quantitative relationship among commodities. By considering the dual relationships of commodity type and quantity, the storage allocation problem under the mobile-rack-based picking mode is studied, and an integer programming model is established to minimize the total number of rack movements in order picking. In view of the NP-Hard characteristic of the model, a variable neighborhood-tabu search algorithm is designed according to the characteristics of the problem. Through the operation of changing the neighborhood, the number of sub-bins covered by an item is changed, and the degree of dispersion of the commodity is indirectly affected. The order picking results may be influenced by the operation of the tabu search algorithm on the quantities of items of a rack. In addition, the breadth and depth optimization capabilities of the algorithm are further improved by the downsizing strategy.
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    A Novel Model and Algorithm for Integrated Nurse Scheduling Considering Balanced Workload
    ZHANG Ling-ling, WANG Ming-zheng
    2023, 31 (3):  177-185.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0280
    Abstract ( 385 )   PDF (1695KB) ( 601 )   Save
    To utilize the limited number of nurses effectively and improve the job satisfaction of nurses, the integrated nurse scheduling problem is studied considering workload balance. A mixed integer fractional programming model is first developed to design an integrated nursing staffing, scheduling, and assignment plan for minimizing the number of employed nurses under the balanced workload of nurses and the limited working time. An Accelerated Logic Benders exact decomposition algorithm is designed to solve this model. Specifically, based on the hierarchical characteristics of the developed model, the Benders algorithm framework is utilized to decompose the original problem into one master problem and multiple sub-problems, which effectively eliminates the nonlinearity. Two acceleration strategies called ESMP enhancement strategy and Accelerated Logic Benders cut strategy, are proposed to improve the solution efficiency. The experimental results show that considering the workload balance does not incur extra labor costs and makes the workload of nurses more balanced. The ESMP enhancement strategy and the Accelerated Logic Benders decomposition algorithm are feasible and effective. Finally, some important management implications of the workload balance strategy are provided for nursing institutions. To sum up, the proposed model and algorithm provide powerful decision-supporting tools for nursing institutions to make integrated nurse scheduling decisions, which can effectively reduce their employment cost and improve the job satisfaction of nurses.
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    The Effect of Digital Traceability on Innovation Behaviors of Food Firms: An Analysis of Mediation Effect of Knowledge Integration and Moderation Effect of Environmental Dynamism
    ZHOU Xiong-yong, ZHU Qing-hua, XU Zhi-duan
    2023, 31 (3):  186-195.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0244
    Abstract ( 362 )   PDF (1181KB) ( 551 )   Save
    Innovation is the vitality of the firm development, and whether and how the booming digital technology can lead and even promote innovation behaviors by food firms has attracted extensive attention from academia and practitioners. Drawing on the extended knowledge-based view (KBV), a conceptual model is developed and the impact of an important emerging information technology, digital traceability, on promoting firms’ innovation behaviors (product innovation, process innovation, and management innovation) is explored, examining the mediating role of knowledge integration as well as the moderating effect exerted by environmental dynamism. A questionnaire survey method is used to investigate 305 food firms that have already established a certain foundation in digital traceability in four traceability system construction demonstration areas, including Shangdong, Shanghai, Ningxia, and Fujian in China. Hierarchical regression with moderated mediation test methods is used to verify the impact mechanism and boundary conditions of digital traceability in promoting firms’ innovation behaviors. The empirical results show that: (1) Digital traceability has a significant positive impact on the three innovation behaviors among food firms. Specifically, when food firms implement digital traceability practices, the positive promotion of process innovation is most significant, followed by management and product innovation. (2) Knowledge integration mediates the relationship between digital traceability and innovation behaviors; moreover, digital traceability has partial mediation effects on both process innovation and management innovation while it has a full mediation effect on product innovation. Knowledge integration, as a powerful means of transforming resources into performance, provides the necessary conditions for firm innovation. (3) Environmental dynamism does not play a moderating role in the direct path between digital traceability and innovation behaviors, whereas it plays a moderating role in the first half path (digital traceability-knowledge integration) and the second half path (knowledge integration-process innovation, knowledge integration-management innovation) of the mediation effects. One significant theoretical contribution to the supply chain traceability literature of this study is that it develops a theoretical model, building on the extended KBV, to explore the digital traceability practices-innovation behaviors link by explicating the effects of knowledge integration and environmental dynamism in the food sector. This study highlights the value of digital traceability practices for innovation behaviors and examines the mediating roles of knowledge integration, consequently uncovering the black box of the traceability-innovation relationship. Most importantly, this study also broadens the application of the extended KBV by substantiating the theoretical claim that the linkage between digital traceability practices and innovation behaviors is contingent on environmental dynamism. To sum up, statistical empirical results provide practical implications for food firms on how practitioners identify ways for promoting innovation behaviors through digital traceability practices with the association of knowledge integration strategies in a dynamic environment.
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    Multi-Attribute Reverse Auction Considering the Regret and Disappointment Aversion of Bid Evaluation Experts
    LIU Da, WANG Sheng-yan, ZHANG Hui-ping, ZHAO Xu-dong
    2023, 31 (3):  196-206.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0129
    Abstract ( 275 )   PDF (1306KB) ( 302 )   Save
    Aiming at the differences in the cognition of multi-attribute indicators by bid evaluation experts with different knowledge backgrounds and different stakeholders and the ambiguity of qualitative indicators, a multi-attribute reverse auction decision-making method combining regret theory, disappointment theory, interval hesitation fuzzy and cloud model is proposed. Firstly, the interval hesitation ambiguity of group decision-making consistency is defined, the weight of multi-attribute indicators is determined, and the antagonistic emotions among bid evaluation experts are avoided. Secondly, a cloud model decision-making method considering the regret and disappointment avoidance psychology of bid evaluation experts is constructed, and the influence of regret psychology and disappointment psychology on the winning bid is analyzed. Finally, the feasibility and effectiveness of the method in this paper are proved through the analysis of examples and comparison of methods. The research results of this paper can provide bidding companies with different risk appetites to provide bid-winning decision-making suggestions.
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    Advance Selling Strategies of Competing Firms with Quality Uncertainty
    SUN Xiao-jie, GAO Feng, ZHANG Jian-xiong
    2023, 31 (3):  207-216.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2021.0898
    Abstract ( 434 )   PDF (1118KB) ( 340 )   Save
    In recent years, an increasing number of firms adopt advance selling when launching new products to the market. The advance selling strategies of two competing firms are studied, and it is assumed that consumers are uncertain about the quality valuation of heterogeneous substitutable products sold by the two firms. In the advance selling period, consumers do not know the real quality of products, while in the spot period, consumers can Bayesian update their valuations of the product quality according to online product reviews provided by buyers in the advance selling period. Strategic consumers choose to buy in advance or postpone by comparing the expected utilities of buying products in the advance selling period and the spot period. The competitive relationship between the two firms is described through a Hotelling linear model, and a game model between strategic consumers and firms is developed. Based on the modeling, solution, and analysis of three cases (neither of the two firms adopts advance selling, only one firm adopts advance selling, and both firms adopt advance selling), the following main conclusions are obtained. If the product review information accuracy is low, when the market competition intensity is medium, the two firms cannot reach a consensus on the advance selling strategy; otherwise, both firms will adopt advance selling. If the product review information accuracy is high, the impact of market competition intensity on the system will be weakened, and thus both firms are more likely to adopt advance selling. Therefore, adopting advance selling does not always benefit firms in a competitive marketplace.
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    Online Reviews for Product Demand Preference Discrimination and Customer Segmentation: A Case Study of the Smart Phone Data
    SUN Bing, SHEN Rui
    2023, 31 (3):  217-227.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2020.0164
    Abstract ( 363 )   PDF (3431KB) ( 1446 )   Save
    In the data-booming epoch, online reviews have become the scholars’ focus home and abroad due to its information diversity and its mass participation character. It aims at delving into the valuable consumption information contained in online comments, discriminating the product demand preference, and thus summarizing the customer segmentation and characteristics. Based on four selling smartphones on the Jingdong and Tmall online shopping platforms, 26489 effective online reviews are obtained as text data in this study. First, the features of mobile products with the decision algorithm of boundary average entropy (BAE) are extracted, and consumers’ product demand preference is classified and discriminated on the correlation analysis of mutual information and semantic similarity. Then, the scores are obtained on consumers preference discriminating the products’ seven dimensions according to the analysis of emotional tendency, meanwhile, a multidimensional score vector is formed to represent consumers. With the improvement of two-step cluster method being used, the classification of consumer groups and the summary of features are completed. Thereafter, the consumer groups of the four smartphones are analyzed and some related revelations are provided according to the research results. The research ideas and methods applied in this paper can be of vital reference and significance for enterprises to effectively discriminate the consumers’ product demand preference and scientifically classify the consumer groups.
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    Identification and Cause Analysis of Heterogeneous Consumers from the Perspective of Group Structure
    REN Yan-yan, LI Dong-lin
    2023, 31 (3):  228-237.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0446
    Abstract ( 362 )   PDF (1062KB) ( 337 )   Save
    The identification of heterogeneous consumers provides a reference for the formulation and evaluation of macroeconomic policies aimed at releasing the consumption potential of residents. However, in the current related studies, there is no objective automatic identification of heterogeneous consumers through the characteristics of data. In this paper, based on the two-stage consumption decision model, a panel structure model with group structure is constructed using the micro data form China Family Panel Studies (CFPS). Based on the C-Lasso method, information criterion is introduced to verify the existence of group structure, and the number of groups and tuning parameters are determined, so as to realize the automatic identification of heterogeneous consumers according to the characteristics of data. The empirical results show that: (1) Chinese consumers can be divided into two groups. Compared with the traditional method and the clustering method in machine learning, the information criterion value of the proposed method is smaller, indicating a higher accuracy in identifying heterogeneous consumers. (2) There are differences in the effects of temporary income changes and household assets on consumption among different groups of consumers, shows that the identification method is scientific and objective. For the group with higher household assets, temporary income change and illiquid assets significantly promote consumption, but liquid assets to inhibited consumption; The temporary income changes and illiquidity assets of the group with lower household assets significantly inhibited consumption, while liquid assets promoted consumption. (3) There are significant differences in household assets, education level and urban and rural categories among different groups of consumers. The group with higher household assets has longer years of education and has a higher proportion of urban household registration. The group with lower household assets has shorter schooling years and had a higher proportion of rural household registration. (4) Different liquidityof household assets allocation may be the cause of consumer heterogeneity. A new idea and method for automatic identification of heterogeneous consumer group structure is proposed, which provides a reference for the formulation and evaluation of macroeconomic policies to release the consumption potential of different types of consumers.
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    A Pre-feedback Optimization Method in Social Manufacturing Network
    HOU Fang,
    2023, 31 (3):  238-250.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2020.0986
    Abstract ( 285 )   PDF (1909KB) ( 424 )   Save
    Social manufacturing is a kind of service-oriented manufacturing paradigm and has the network form. Social manufacturing network is composed of many communities that are groups of interests formed by links based on the similarity of resource types or capabilities, such as design resource, manufacturing resource, and operation service resource. Under the benefit distribution equilibrium mechanism, the community coordinates and shares the resource service capabilities of each member through an autonomous method, which is reflected in the connection and collaboration between the communities of the social manufacturing network. Community members collaborate with each other to improve overall competitiveness and bargaining initiative, and in the network links and nodes adjustment form.
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    Dynamic Evaluation Method Based on Grey Correlational Analysis by the Method of Balance and Approach and Improved TOPSIS Considering the Preference of the Decision Maker
    XU Lin-ming, LI Mei-juan, LU Jin-cheng
    2023, 31 (3):  251-258.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2020.2224
    Abstract ( 438 )   PDF (991KB) ( 661 )   Save
    In order to compare the various moments and overall pros and cons of multiple evaluated objects in a certain period of time, dynamic evaluation is required. Aiming at the advantages and disadvantages of TOPSIS and gray correlation method, the time dimension is taken into account, and then a dynamic evaluation method based on grey correlational analysis by the method of balance and approach and improved TOPSIS considering the preference of the decision maker is proposed. This method is able to reflect the positional relationship and curve relationship between ideal solution and alternatives simultaneously, and avoid the problem of local point association tendency. Moreover, both inventory and increment can be taken into consider at the same time, and the overall evaluation result of each object to be evaluated at each moment and time period can be obtained. According to the preference of decision maker to positional relationship and curve relationship, different parameter can be determined. Finally, an empirical analysis of high-quality economic development is used to verify the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed method.
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    A Study on the Model of Multi-individual Learning from Experience: From the Perspective of Matching between Information and Analytic Method
    CHEN Guo-quan, WANG Jing-yi, LIN Yan-ling, LIU Wei, ZHOU Qi-wei, XU Fen
    2023, 31 (3):  259-267.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0021
    Abstract ( 281 )   PDF (1122KB) ( 332 )   Save
    When multi-individual learns from experience, the matching between information and analytic methods will affect the learning efficiency. The concepts of the first matching and the second matching between information and analytic methods are put forward in this paper, when multi-individual learns from experience, the analytic method needs to match the information under the learning goal, that is, both the first matching and the second matching are satisfied. In this paper, a multi-individual learning process mechanism model based on the matching between information and analytic methods is constructed. It is considered that under the constraints of the available resources, multi-individual can improve the first matching and second matching between information and analytic methods to achieve the desired results, by dynamically switching between the two ways of searching information based on analytic methods and searching analytic methods based on information, thus improving the learning efficiency. Some practical tools, such as Delphi technique and nomial group technique, are also listed. The process that multi-individual improves the matching of information and analytic methods to improve learning efficiency are paid attention to, and theoretical basis and practical suggestions are provided for improving learning efficiency.
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    Research on Inter-provincial Carbon Emission Allowance Allocation Based on Input-output Scale
    FENG Qing, WU Zhi-bin, XU Jiu-ping
    2023, 31 (3):  268-276.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2021.0040
    Abstract ( 453 )   PDF (1019KB) ( 548 )   Save
    The carbon emission trading mechanism has been found to play an important role in tackling climate change as the carbon emissions costs are included in the financial decision making. The initial allocation of carbon emission allowances has always been a difficult point in the establishment of the carbon trading mechanism. Three typical methods have been adopted for the allocation when the market information is complete and undistorted: grandfathering, benchmarking and auctioning. However, the ideal decision-making environment required by these methods does not often exist in the real world. Based on this, data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach can provide an alternative perspective to the carbon emissions allocation problems as it is based on an empirical production function derived from observed historical input and output data.
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    Study on the Major Epidemic Prevention and Control under the Mechanism of Government Dynamic Reward and Punishment
    LIANG Xi, CHEN Qing-qing
    2023, 31 (3):  277-286.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2020.0587
    Abstract ( 355 )   PDF (2022KB) ( 699 )   Save
    The COVID-19 that broke out at the end of 2019 is highly contagious, the world is caught in panic of the epidemic, and the cumulative number of confirmed cases is still on the rise. Since the outbreak of covid-19 in China, the government has taken decisive measures to control the epidemic. In the process of isolation prevention and control, there is a game relationship between government departments and the public. It is assumed that both the government and the public are bounded rational groups and the evolutionary game model is used, a game matrix is constructed for government departments and the public under static and three dynamic reward and punishment mechanisms,analyzing the impact of prevention and control costs, the upper limit of reward and the upper limit of punishment on the evolutionary and stable strategy of the game system.Finally, a simulation analysis is performed.The results show that:there is no evolutionary stable strategy under static reward and punishment mechanisms,the use of dynamic reward and punishment mechanisms can effectively make up for the shortcomings of static reward and punishment mechanisms,achieving the evolution and stability of government departments’ active prevention and control and the public’s voluntary isolation strategy;dynamic reward and static punishment is better than other mechanisms; The probability of voluntary segregation by the public is negatively correlated with the cost of prevention and control and the upper limit of reward,positively correlated with the upper limit of punishment.
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