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    28 February 2001, Volume 9 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Optimal Portfolio Selection on the Basis of Difference Coefficient σ/μ
    ZHENG Jin-ya, CHI Guo-tai
    2001, (1):  1-5. 
    Abstract ( 2478 )   PDF (2514KB) ( 1640 )   Save
    On the basis of Markowitz mean-variance model, we put f or ward the balanced theory of portfolio profit rate maximization on t he condition that difference coefficient σ/μ is minimized. Using Lag range parameter method, we gain the feasible portfolio decision. At last we give an example analysis.
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    Impact on the Efficient Frontier of Portfolio of Varying Capital Structure
    CHEN Shou, DENG Xiao-tie, WANG Shou-yang, LIU Wei-guo
    2001, (1):  6-11. 
    Abstract ( 2194 )   PDF (2572KB) ( 1777 )   Save
    We are interested in the impact of friction factors on portfolio optimization. In this article, we focus on the dependency of the efficient frontier on restriction in the borrowing rate of investment firms, as a function of their capital structures. We establish analytic results under the mean-variance model.
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    The Research on RMB Based on Elementary Equation of Circulation
    CHEN Ri-xiang, Pan Lu, FAN Yin-hua
    2001, (1):  12-18. 
    Abstract ( 2003 )   PDF (2544KB) ( 1371 )   Save
    The thesis had deduced an elemenlavy equation of RMB on some hypothesis, described the market of China's RMB accor ding to the current actual situation of China.
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    Information Sharing Incentive In Supply Chain-A Dynamic Model
    MA Xin-an, ZHANG Lie-ping, TIAN Peng
    2001, (1):  19-24. 
    Abstract ( 2422 )   PDF (2440KB) ( 2495 )   Save
    Information sharing is particularly important to improve the whole performance of the supply chain, but for the partners of the supply chain, there are not enough incentive to do it. In this paper, a two stage multi-task principal-agent model is presented to research the optimal incentive on supply activity and information sharing from the core company in the supply chain to it's partner, and this model is also used to explain the continued improving progress of the partnership in supply chain. The conclusion shows that the marginal substitution rate of the supplier's effort cost is critical in the incentive of the information sharing and the supply activity.
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    Extended Event-Process Chain(EEPC) and It's Application in BPR
    LI Jian-zhong, CHEN Liang-you, GU Hong
    2001, (1):  25-32. 
    Abstract ( 2250 )   PDF (2659KB) ( 1542 )   Save
    In this paper EPC(Event-Process Chain), the process modelling method is extended as EEPC (Extendcd EPC) in order to express the dynamic factors of the processes, and contribute to the better simulation analysis. Then EEPC is used to reengineering the outpatient's visiting process of a Traditional Chinese Medical Science Hospital, and marked success has been achieved.
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    Extranet-Based E-Commerce's Efficiency Analysis
    LI Xiao-mao
    2001, (1):  33-40. 
    Abstract ( 2206 )   PDF (2786KB) ( 1378 )   Save
    Extranet-based electronic commerce will be the main way by which trading partners cooperate and trade. The paper quantitatively analyses the efficiency and profits of Extranet systems managed and controlled by manufacturer, and agrues that Extranet system efficiency and anticipants' profit are influenced and decided by the manufacturer's Extranet policies. The critical factors improving Extranet system efficiency and profits are suitable and efficient Extranet policies of the manufactures.
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    A Stochastic Equilibrium Network Design Model and Its Solution Algorithm for Transit System
    SHAN Lian-long, GAO Zi-you
    2001, (1):  41-49. 
    Abstract ( 2130 )   PDF (2742KB) ( 1780 )   Save
    According to transit network characteristics, transit network is systematically described in this paper. A bilevel programming model for transit network design problem is presented, in which the upper model is a normal transit network design mode l, and the lower model is a transit stochastic equilibrium assignment model. A heuristic solution algorithm based on sensitivity analysis is designed for the model proposed. Finally, a simple example is given to illustrate the application of the model and algorithm suggested.
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    The Transportation Problem of the Shortest Time Limit and Its Algorithm
    LI Zhen-ping
    2001, (1):  50-56. 
    Abstract ( 2367 )   PDF (2557KB) ( 2091 )   Save
    The transportation problem of the shortest time limit is put forward. We study the sufficient condition of its optimal solution, and give the concret steps of solving this problem, demonstrate its operationability by aid of an example. This algorithm is a good algorithm of solving this problem.
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    A Study on Information System Cost Estimation
    WANG Qi-lin, LI Zhi-cheng
    2001, (1):  57-61. 
    Abstract ( 2062 )   PDF (2355KB) ( 1345 )   Save
    Information system cost estimation is the base of tender. This article introduces the common flow and several cost estimation methods, analyses the difficulties in today. Facing the large uncertainty, fuzzy mechanism and artificial intellegence must be introduced into cost estimation. This paper brings an estimating model which integrating Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network. The experiment shows that this model has high estimation precision.
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    A New Kind of Pricing Model for Commodity and Estimating Indexes System for Price Security
    DAI Feng1, JI Guang-po
    2001, (1):  62-69. 
    Abstract ( 2293 )   PDF (2568KB) ( 2870 )   Save
    In this paper, the concept and the expression of the partial distribution and the partial process are put forward. Bv them, the variations of commodity price can be described, analyzed, and researched. The relations of the cost price, the market price, the risk of cost price and the risk of market price of commodity are advanced in analytic expressions, which can be applied to pricing and to measuring the risks of the spots, the securities, the futures and the options in market. The Security Indexes are designed in analytic expressions. So we can use them to measure and evaluate the development security and investment security in the society, the economy, the finance, and so on.
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    TV AD Decision Support System
    LI Ya-jing, HE Yue, LIU Guang-zhong
    2001, (1):  70-73. 
    Abstract ( 2156 )   PDF (2405KB) ( 1495 )   Save
    With analyzing key factor of advertisement, this paper created mathematics models of supporting TV ad' decision, and has created a TV ad' decision support system combining with computer aid decision, and offers a assistant tool for TV ad' decision maker.
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    A Research on Competitive Advantages of Pioneering Enterprises in Product Innovation
    LU Tao, WANG Zhen-sheng
    2001, (1):  74-80. 
    Abstract ( 2079 )   PDF (2619KB) ( 2303 )   Save
    In the 21st century, product life-cycles are becoming shorter, leading firms to bring new product to market. And enterprises will gain competitive advantages by accelerating product innovation. But pioneering advantages are influenced by external environment and product/service characteristics. The article discusses some problems about pioneering advantages in product innovation.
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