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    28 June 2003, Volume 11 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Portfolio Value-at-Risk and its Decomposition
    HU Hai-peng, FANG Zhao-ben
    2003, (3):  1-5. 
    Abstract ( 2770 )   PDF (1567KB) ( 5372 )   Save
    In this paper,we carry out a concrete decomposition on protfolio Value-at-Risk after presenting briefly the conception and computational method of protfolio VaR Following that,we deduce the estimative methods of the marginal VaR,component VaR and incremental VaR,which are held with the hypotheses of normal and non-normal distributions respectively,based on the mutual relationships of the three types VaR All these discussions provide more market risk information on protfolio for its managers.
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    The Impact of Manager Investment Behavior Affected by Stock Market Short-term Horizon Speculation
    WEN Shou-xun, YANG Wu
    2003, (3):  6-10. 
    Abstract ( 2147 )   PDF (2253KB) ( 1737 )   Save
    Stock market speculation will influence Corp investment behavior The speculative horizon matter is to influence information-gathering behavior The short-term horizon speculator chooses the private information about the exogenous shock uncertainty,games manager investment decision and influences the Corp investment behavior This paper fousses on the impact of Corp investment behavior affected by stock market short-term hovrizon speculation based on the information structure,deduces the stock market game equilibrium and manager efficient equilibrium behavior,clarifies the essential of manager inefficient investment decision behavior.
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    The Comparison of Group-buying Auction and Fixed-pricing Mechanism with Infinite Supply
    CHEN Jian, CHEN Xi-long, SONG Xi-ping
    2003, (3):  11-17. 
    Abstract ( 2204 )   PDF (2242KB) ( 1596 )   Save
    Group-buying auction is a new kind of dynamic pricing mechanisms on the Internet This mechanism makes the bidders as a group through Internet to get the volume discounts As a variant of double auction,what condition Group-buying suits is not clear and is valuable to study This paper analyzed the seller’s profit for the group-buying auction when the economies of scale are considered,and proved that the group-buying auction will overmatch the fixed-pricing mechanism if the seller can always satisfy the bidders’ demand,which provides the Group-buying auction a suitable point.
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    Evaluating Efficiency’s Effect on Profitability of Commercial Bank’s Small Local Branch
    WU Xiao-yong, CHI Hong
    2003, (3):  18-22. 
    Abstract ( 2286 )   PDF (913KB) ( 1915 )   Save
    On the basis of evaluating the profitability and efficiency by means of DEA approach,a methodology to assess the effect of efficiency on profitability of commercial bank’s small local branch is developed in this paper An empirical study is performed to evaluate the 12 branches of some Chinese commercial bank,and the result show preliminarily the validity of this methodology.
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    Sharing the Information of Shipping Quantity in a Two-Tier Supply Chain
    ZHENG Xin, ZHANG Cheng, LING Hong
    2003, (3):  23-29. 
    Abstract ( 2327 )   PDF (2346KB) ( 2530 )   Save
    This paper evaluates the benefit of a strategy of sharing one type of shipment information,where one stage’s every-period shipping quantity is shared with the immediate downstream members,in a supply chain A quantitative model considering a two-stage linear supply chain has been developed for this purpose,following a simulation approach Our results indicate that in most circumstances this strategy,enabled by information technologies,helps supply chain members adapt and resolve shipment uncertainty well The more uncertainty the shipping quantity,the more benefit the organization can gain from such information In the situation of steady supplement to unfulfilled orders,i e when the backlog is received in time,such benefit is not significant Therefore,if a supplier has a good enough order fulfillment track record,sharing such information may be unnecessary Otherwise,faster collaboration and sharing information of shipping quantity among supply chain members via IT may help improve supply chain performance Another finding in this paper is that such information sharing benefits the information receiver but may not benefit the information sender,i e it elevates the cost-benefit trade-off to the downstream member that receives such information while the upstream,which shares such information,faces a trade-off to implement this strategy These differenes amongst participants may cause barriers during implementation It motivates the participants to negotiate a satisfactory share of the information system construction fee The study provides an approach to quantify the value of shared shipment information and to help supply-chain members evaluate their cost-benefit trade-off during information system construction.
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    A JIT Planning Approach for Crude Oil Procurements in Distributed Supply Chain
    LIU Xiao, WANG Cheng-en, CHU Cheng-bin
    2003, (3):  30-35. 
    Abstract ( 2500 )   PDF (2131KB) ( 2399 )   Save
    This paper addresses the crude oil procurement planning problem in distributed multiple supplier/refinery supply chain,and develops under constraints of limited resources An optimal JIT procurement model to minimize the total costs and cycle time Subsequently,the non-linear programming model is transformed into a linear programming one,which is further solved by a hybrid of the Analytical Hierarchy Process and the multiple objective programming approach Finally,numerical computations demonstrate that the approach proposed for curde oil procurement planning is efficient and applicable.
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    The New Cognition of Supply Chain Integration:Management Interface Integration
    WU Tao, LI Bi-qiang
    2003, (3):  36-41. 
    Abstract ( 2222 )   PDF (680KB) ( 2146 )   Save
    Because management interface is basic concept of management integration,it could describe node enterprise relate each other in supply chain According to analysis on principle of management interface integration this paper puts forward three patterns of supply chain management integration This does not only provide a new way to research on supply chain integration,but also add new meaning for integrative philosophy in supply chain management.
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    Study on the Cost Control Model Under Asymmetric Information Condition
    LI Li-jun, HUANG Xiao-yuan, ZHANG Xiao-ou
    2003, (3):  42-45. 
    Abstract ( 2150 )   PDF (856KB) ( 2015 )   Save
    The problem of incenting producer to reduce product’s cost under asymmetric information condition is discussed Under asymmetric information condition,manager can’t observe producer’s efforts on reducing cost,so it is necessary to incent producer for manager Manager determines a contract base according as his request and producer’s self-offered,and the model which maximize manager’s expect utility under the condition of individual rationality and incentive compatibility constraint is given,and the decision variable are Encouragement multiple and punishment multiple The evolutionary programming algorithm is used to do the simulation.
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    Decisions and a Game Analysis on Transfer Pricing of Intermediate Product without External Markets
    ZHANG FU-li
    2003, (3):  46-50. 
    Abstract ( 2456 )   PDF (1306KB) ( 1644 )   Save
    This paper shows by counterexamples that two computing formulas of optimal transfer pricing of intermediate product in[1] do not always establish,under the conditions that the market demand function of final product and the production cost function of each intermediate product are known The necessary and sufficient conditions on two computing formulas establishment are obtained The policy dynamic consistency of the transfer pricing of intermediate product is analyzed We analyze further the transfer pricing problem by employing a dynamic game of complete information Finally,we discuss the transfer pricing of intermediate product under the conditions that two computing formulas which are mentioned above do not establish.
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    A Modified W-B Approach to Construct AR Restrictions for Data Envelopment Analysis and the Corresponding Model
    LI Chun-hao
    2003, (3):  51-55. 
    Abstract ( 2426 )   PDF (1544KB) ( 2079 )   Save
    The approach presented by Wong and Beasley(W-B)to construct assurance regions(AR)for restricting DEA multipliers often results in the problem of no feasible solution The reason lies in that there exists logical inconsistency when the approach uses the concept of importance To solve the problem,this paper presents a modified W-B approach to construct AR restrictions The modified approach has three advantages over the W-B method,e g well overcoming the problem of logical inconsistency Applied to a real efficiency evaluation,the modified approach as well as the corresponding DEA/AR model proves to be feasible and reasonable.
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    The Military Traffic Flows Distribute Model Research of Maximum Gray Information Entropy Based on Maximum Concealment
    FANG Zhi-geng, LIU Si-feng, DANG Yao-guo, ZHANG De, CHENG Han-hua
    2003, (3):  56-61. 
    Abstract ( 2141 )   PDF (2242KB) ( 1794 )   Save
    It is important the problems on military orders and decisions in the road traffic net that the military traffic flows in the road net are distribute under maximum concealment Using the thoughts of systems theories and the theories of maximum gray,the paper presents the military traffic flows distribution model of the maximum gray information entropy under the most concealment and the model provides a good basis for the further researching of this problems.
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    A 2-tuple Relation Theory on Analysis of Industrial Relations
    WU Kai-ya, CHEN Xiao-jian
    2003, (3):  62-65. 
    Abstract ( 2217 )   PDF (2298KB) ( 1666 )   Save
    This paper uses 2-tuple relation theory and Warshall Algorithm to calculate the connected relations of industrial system and provides a handy method of quantitative anslysis for understanding the industrial structure and relation And on the basis of it,the paper analyses the industrial structure and relation of the industry systems of Anhui province.
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    Improving the Performance of a Chaotic Economic System
    LI Yu, SHENG Zhao-han, CHEN Guo-hua
    2003, (3):  64-71. 
    Abstract ( 2064 )   PDF (1728KB) ( 1577 )   Save
    A simple Bowly’s model with bounded rationality is explicitly studied from three aspects,the complexity of the dynamic evolution of the model,the indexes to measure the system’s performance,chaos control with targeting method We also propose the idea of bifurcation control and realize it in the economic system We find that the stability of the system will be increased if production decisions are made on comprehensive historical information At last we generalize the model and give an elementary analysis which deserves further study.
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    Performance Evaluation by Means of Improved DEA Method
    ZHOU Zhuo-ru, WANG Qian, LI Jin-hong
    2003, (3):  72-75. 
    Abstract ( 2242 )   PDF (1617KB) ( 2320 )   Save
    The weights of assessing parameters is most subjective,it is unreasonable to be applied to the evaluation of a unit’s performance,especially to the evaluation of non-profit-making ones in public administration The paper,therefore,initiated the employment of benchmarking-oriented DEA algorithm so as to avoid the abnormal effects of weight of parameters,and the limitation of"relative effectiveness"of the DEA computation The computational results turn out that the result is in agreement with facts,hence it is rather perfect of theory In addition,the method can also be employed to improve the management in those units not DEA effectiveness.
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    Study on the Evaluation of Competitiveness of Provincial Investment Environment in China
    SHENG Cong-feng, XU Wei-xuan, XU Bao-guang
    2003, (3):  76-82. 
    Abstract ( 2414 )   PDF (2272KB) ( 2125 )   Save
    China is vast in territory,moreover,regional economic development is overwhelmingly unbalanced,the difference in investment environment among various provinces is great In this article,a theoretical framework of regional investment environment competitiveness(RIEC)is designed,then an indicator system for evaluating the RIEC is studied In this system,the weight of each indicator is calculated by applying principal component analysis A method of evaluating RIEC is also given Finally,the system is applied to evaluate and analyze RIEC in all provinces in China and a series of interesting results is shown.
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    Research on Monitoring Mechanism Design of Information Disclosure in Commercial Bank
    PENG Xiao-bing, PU Yong-jian
    2003, (3):  83-87. 
    Abstract ( 2088 )   PDF (1372KB) ( 2038 )   Save
    Consummating market economy mechanism and strengthening marketable restriction with commercial banks to increase diaphaneity of banking require a sufficient information disclosure in commercial banks,which is a certain tendency of international banking monitoring According as game theory and information economics,the paper researches 1-stage game and T-stages repeated games of information disclosure monitoring in commercial banks,and it is concluded that a stable game equilibrium will be composed and players will obey the mechanism when information disclosure monitoring mechanism is constructed according to established action rules.
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    Knowledge-Based Model for Organization Structure
    JIANG Nan, LUO Huan-zuo
    2003, (3):  88-93. 
    Abstract ( 2066 )   PDF (765KB) ( 2179 )   Save
    This paper describes the inherent relation between knowledge and organization through analyzing the evolvement of enterprise organization And puts forward a knowledge-based tri-dimensional organization structure It brings forward an advanced organizational management paradigm,which provides an intelligent method for business process analyse and reconfiguration in modern enterprise It is important to improve core competence of enterprise organization system.
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    A Three-Dimension Structure of Management
    LI Xian-jun
    2003, (3):  94-100. 
    Abstract ( 2139 )   PDF (2037KB) ( 2366 )   Save
    This paper puts forward the concept of Management Structure,defines it as a three-dimension structure made of management theory,technology and practice,also analyzes the relationships among these three factors I believe this definition and analysis is essential to management theoretical study and management practice Under the guidance of this new concept,it is debated that there is lacuna in which the fundamental attributes of management are usually accepted as a science and an art Further more,the future value of management integration is also expounded in this paper.
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